Received: 2025-03-03 18:42:27

Praying that if it is God's will that I can be placed at a hospital in my home town for my next practicum coming in May, as well that it can be during the weekdays and not on a weekend. This will help to reduce a lot of stress, allow me to still work during the weekends, and save money, which I don't have a lot of right now. I pray all of this in Jesus's mighty name and know that with him anything is possible and worthy of bringing to him.


Encore, repeat, all together now!


Pick a piece of scripture that you know off the top of your head.

Write it out how you remember it, don't worry about getting it perfect but what do you remember as the main idea. Then find it in three other translations either online or from other bibles you have around. Look through each of the translations and the different language or words used. Read them over a few times. What stands out to you that you may have never noticed before. Do any of the other translations challenge the way you understand the text? Does seeing it written out differently change your understanding of what you believe the author originally intended? Talk with God about your findings.






As summer approaches do you find yourself waiting in anticipation for additional rest, or do you find yourself sitting in anxiety over the lack of free time you will have? As you consider the ways you spend your summer months, take some time to journal a response to the following question.

In what ways do you look for God in the busy and the quiet? How can you attune yourself more to the presence of God throughout your summer?






Today as we invite you into a regular practice of worship, enter in with an open mind and heart to what the Lord may want to share with you through this song. Click here to listen to Narrow Road by Josh Baldwin. Take it in and maybe read along with the lyrics in the comment section of the video to get a better grasp for what the artist is trying to convey.                                                   



Scripture: Read Colossians 3: 12-17

Read the passage over slowly, prayerfully and attentively a few times. As you do, allow God to highlight a word or phrase- something that jumps out at you personally.                     

Observations: Think about what is being said, by who, and why they might be saying it the way they are. What is the surrounding context? What other background information do you have? How and where do you see the heart of Jesus in this? Don't make conclusions or applications yet, just observe everything you can.                       

Application: Now consider how this passage might apply personally to your life. In what way does it speak to your own circumstances? How can it help you? How does it challenge you? How does it call you to love both God and others better? How does this word from God apply directly to your day-to-day life and how are you leaning to follow Jesus?                       

Prayer: Now that you’ve read and reflected on God’s word and begun the process of application in your life, simply talk to God about it all. Share whats swirling in you head and heart, allow space to listen for what theHoly Spirit is wanting to say to you in return as well.



Lean In


How does it feel to be in your body? Do you feel connected to your breath or do the rhythms of life sometimes pass you by? As you sit in place today take some time to rest your hands in your lap, on your stomach, on your heart etc. Take some deep breaths and focus on the rhythms that are happening. Lean into the quiet. What do you notice as you spend time focusing on your breath and body? How does connecting to your body help you connect to God?

Week of May 28, 2023

Ready for what's next?

Breath Prayer
Holy Spirit Come | Breath Prayer


Bible Study
Journaling the Bible - Psalm 23

Because of that, interacting with Scripture is like a ‘superfood’ of spiritual growth. And yet as we build the habit of reading scripture into our rhythms – which is excellent – we can start to speed over parts of the story that we’ve heard over and over again. And so sometimes what’s right in front of us can become invisible, because we’re so used to it. 

Guided Prayer
Blessing Each Other

Let's start to make an intentional practice of noticing people, even strangers in a crowd, but rather than comparing and judging them, pause to intentionally pray a blessing over them in your heart.