Received: 2025-01-17 19:21:36

My prayer request is For health and safety and for homeless people to get housing... and praise the lord for myself finding housing after trying for 14 months

Summer Daily Spiritual Practice

This summer, as you feel the change in schedules and busyness all around, we want to encourage you to still take the time to engage in daily spiritual practices. Lectio 365 is a wonderful resource to start your day with some intentional time with God. Below we have provided the link to the website where you can go and download the app to start engaging with their practices. 

Additionally, as you go through the summer we would love for you to return to some of the spiritual practices we have done on Sunday mornings. To do this we have added a link to our spiritual practices page.

Therefore the LORD is waiting to show you mercy, and is rising up to show you compassion, for the LORD is a just God. All who wait patiently for him are happy. Isaiah 30:18

Week of September 3, 2023

Ready for what's next?

Guided Prayer
Blessing Our Enemies

I don’t know who comes to your mind, when we talk about how we break this, "Do not murder" commandment and harbour murder in our hearts. But likely somebody does. Perhaps a few somebodies. 

Family of Origin

You’ve probably heard the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – which could come as good or bad news to you, depending on how you feel about the “tree” you fell from... 

Gratitude | Naming Goodness

Joy indeed. Joy – or happiness – is a funny thing. We tend to think that when we have enough good things in our lives (when we have the stuff we need or want, when we have the relationships we need or want) then we’ll be happy. But it doesn’t typically work that way...