Received: 2025-01-17 19:21:36

My prayer request is For health and safety and for homeless people to get housing... and praise the lord for myself finding housing after trying for 14 months



What does it mean to have enough? Will we know satisfaction when it arises or is it already within us somewhere? When you think of the word sufficient, what comes to mind? Take some time to write a list of synonyms for sufficient.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Jesus says “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Take some time to pray about what it would look like for you to accept that God's grace is sufficient. Would it change how you experience things in your everyday life? How does your list of synonyms change the way you read this verse?


A Prayer For Grace

Morgan Harper Nichols is a well-known Christian poet, author, and musician. As you listen to her song “A prayer for Grace” (linked below) allow it to be your prayer. What line(s) stand out to you as you listen? Is there a line that speaks to your current season of life?

Click Here for a YouTube video of A Prayer For Grace


Slowing Down & Looking Around

When life becomes busy and days are overwhelming, how do you care for yourself and take notice of your needs?

As you go forward in your day, challenge yourself to stand in the longer lines, drive in the slow lane and focus on the present moments – where do you see God in these moments? When you are on your way to a destination or awaiting a meeting or event, try to be present.

What does it feel like to be aware of the in between instead of being focused on where you’re headed? Later tonight, pause to reflect back: How did you feel God today in the slow?


What Do You Hear In Silence?

Today we invite you into a practice you are probably somewhat familiar with - Silence. We encourage you to find a comfortable place somewhere in your home and set a timer for 10 minutes. This may feel like a long time but try to focus on the quiet and what God may want to say to you in it. Close your eyes and try to still your mind. If you feel your mind begin to wander, try to bring yourself back to your breath and to the quiet.

What was that like? Was it challenging to keep your mind quiet?

How might we be able to experience God differently in silence than in non-silence?  


In Your Body

How does it feel to be in your body? Is that ever a question you stop to consider?

Do you feel connected to your breath or do the rhythms of life sometimes pass you by? As you sit in place today take some time to rest your hands in your lap, on your stomach, on your heart etc. Take some deep breaths and focus on the rhythms that are happening within you. Lean into the quiet.

What do you notice as you spend time focusing on your breath and body?

How does connecting to your body help you connect to God?

Week of February 26, 2023

Ready for what's next?

Guided Prayer
Pray for One Another

We believe prayer does something real, that it has genuine power to change the atmosphere. Not only for ourselves but in our collective experience of God in this world. So today we are going to take some time to practice praying – for one another... 

Bible Study
Understanding An Ancient Text

The Bible is a fascinating and invaluable resource for exploring and understanding the depths of who God is and how he loves. Understanding the unique way in which it was written and the different types of literature found within will go a long way towards helping you know how to accurately apply the truth in this beautiful and ancient book to your own 21st century life. 

Bible Study
S.O.A.P. Bible Reading #2

This SOAP method of Bible study is a practice we often encourage to make a regular part of your time with God. Digging into and interacting with scripture is such a good spiritual-growth exercise, such a good place to catch a deeper glimpse of God. But even if you’ve never read the Bible before – don't worry; it’s not complicated and we’ll walk through it together step by step.