Received: 2025-03-03 18:42:27

Praying that if it is God's will that I can be placed at a hospital in my home town for my next practicum coming in May, as well that it can be during the weekdays and not on a weekend. This will help to reduce a lot of stress, allow me to still work during the weekends, and save money, which I don't have a lot of right now. I pray all of this in Jesus's mighty name and know that with him anything is possible and worthy of bringing to him.


Slow & Steady

Today we want you to engage in a slow intentional day. Take some time right now to pray and express to God your worries or things you are anxious about in the day to come. 

Now as you go forward in your day, make the choice to stand in the longer lines, drive in the slow lane and focus on the present moments throughout the in between. When you are on your way to a destination or awaiting the meeting or event, be present and remember what anxieties you gave to God. Be in the present in the moment with God. 

What does it feel like to be aware of the in between instead of being focused on where you’re headed? How did you feel God today in the slow?


Patient Trust

Click Here to listen to the poem “Patient Trust” by Brooke Poindexter. The Transcript is below the video in the comments. 

What lines stood out to you? 

Now sit with the lines... “And yet it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stages of instability—” 

Where do you feel unstable today? Think about the ways you have made progress recently and within your entire life. Take some time and pray for your progress. Let God into the instability you are feeling and practice patient trust by passing through.


Quiet Talk

Today we want to invite you to a practice that you are probably familiar with- silence. We encourage you to find a comfortable place somewhere in your home and set a timer for 10 minutes. This may feel like a long time but try to focus on the quiet and what God may want to say to you in this time. Close your eyes and try to quiet your mind. If you feel your mind begin to wander, try to bring yourself back to your breath and the quiet. 

What was that like? Was it challenging to keep your mind quiet?



This may be a practice that you do often as it is a common form of prayer and a great exercise for centering yourself. Today we invite you to grab a pen and paper and take some time to write out your prayer for today. Allow your prayer to wander and write like you’re having a conversation and not writing a todo list. 

What things came up that you didn't expect? How did the practice of writing it down change the interaction of prayer for you? Feel free to put your prayer somewhere that you may find it later.


Fill My Cup

Today we invite you into the practice of prayerful worship, with the song Fill My Cup by Andrew Ripp. Allow yourself to take in the lyrics and as you feel led make the chorus your prayer. As you sing or simply take in the song, what experiences of God come to mind? In what ways do you need your cup filled these days? Let that also be your prayer as you go through your day. 

Click Here to listen to Fill My Cup by Andrew Ripp

Week of December 5, 2022

Ready for what's next?

Compassion In Conflict


Advent Resource

Join us by participating in our intergenerational Daily Advent Devotional this Christmas season as we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Jesus, this is designed for all in mind, ages 4 to 104! 

Bible Study
Journaling the Bible - The Lord's Prayer

You might be familiar with The Lord’s Prayer, it’s one of the most frequently quoted passages of the Bible. But what good is memorizing the Bible, if it doesn’t mean anything to you?