Received: 2025-01-17 19:21:36

My prayer request is For health and safety and for homeless people to get housing... and praise the lord for myself finding housing after trying for 14 months

Start by just getting comfortable. If you can, let both of your feet sit flat on the floor. Take 2 or 3 breaths to relax, let your shoulders soften, maybe even close your eyes, or just soften your gaze. 

First, I want you to simply picture yourself, either as you are now, or maybe a younger version of yourself. See yourself in your mind, and just try to hold yourself with a soft, open, and loving heart. And now imagine yourself literally being held, cupped by God’s great big hands.

With that image of yourself being held, safe and loved, repeat these words quietly to yourself in your mind: 

May I experience God’s rest. 

May I experience God’s safety. 

May I experience God’s peace. 

May I experience God’s love. 

Let those go all the way in. 

Now gently allow the image of yourself to leave your mind. And next I want you to bring to mind the image of someone you care about. Someone who is easy to love, who brings you joy and happiness. Maybe this is a friend, a partner, sibling, 

Holding this person in your mind, again just cultivate a soft, loving, open heart to hold them with. And now imagine this person you love being held, cupped in God’s tender hands. 

With that image of the person you love literally being held by God, again repeat these words quietly in your mind, as a blessing towards this person: 

May you experience God’s rest. 

May you experience God’s safety. 

May you experience God’s peace. 

May you experience God’s love. 

Now gently allow the image of that person to leave your mind’s eye. Next, a little trickier, try to call to mind someone who you have a challenging relationship with. Someone who is perhaps difficult to love, or maybe brings stress and negativity into your life. With as much grace and love as you can, try to hold this person also gently in your heart. If feelings of anger or tension arise, try to release those feelings to God, by just letting go and opening your heart to set those negative energies free to God’s care. And now again, imagine this person too, literally cupped in God’s hands. 

With the image of this person being held tenderly by God, repeat these words again quietly to yourself, extending your blessing towards this person: 

May you experience God’s rest. 

May you experience God’s safety. 

May you experience God’s peace. 

May you experience God’s love. 

Try to let it go as deep as you can. 

May you experience God’s rest. 

May you experience God’s safety. 

May you experience God’s peace. 

May you experience God’s love. 

Once again, gently release that person from your mind. And now just take a moment to consciously breathe in God’s cleansing, healing love, all through your heart. All through your mind. All through your body. 


Guided Prayer
Loving Kindness Prayer

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