Received: 2025-01-17 19:21:36

My prayer request is For health and safety and for homeless people to get housing... and praise the lord for myself finding housing after trying for 14 months

Another one of the languages that we experience and express love through, is by spending quality time with one another. When we love someone we want to be with them as much as possible. A long phone call, a weekend away, anything just to be alone together.

And God is the same, with us. God is the parent with the perpetual open door, hoping we’ll come for lunch or dinner, that we’ll spend a leisurely afternoon. He has nowhere else to go, nowhere else he’d rather be. He has all the time in the world for you.

So we’re going to carve out some quiet space for that right now, for you to just be with God. To spend quality time in personal prayer with the one who loves you most.

Start by thanking God for loving you, maybe for specific ways you’ve experienced that. And then just tell God what’s on your mind these days. And finally, leave space in the silence, to “hear” God back, and sense his presence.

Guided Prayer
Love Languages: Quality Time

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